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Energy from the Sun

Everyone needs and uses energy. If there were no energy,【46】

Most of the energy on this planet comes from the sun, but people do not receive that energy directly. It comes from different sources and in different forms.

Green plants convert the sun's energy to food energy that animals and people use for life. The energy from animals has been used for hundreds of years to operate farm equipment and to pull carts, wagons , and other vehicles.

The sun's energy takes water from rivers, lakes, and oceans and【47】When rain or snow falls on the land some of it flows into rivers and streams. This flowing water can be used to【48】Water can also be converted (更换) to steam, which produces energy to operate machines.

Winds also come from solar energy. Air that has been heated by the sun rises and creates winds. The process of winds has moved ships on the sea, ground grain, and brought water to the earth.

There is also solar energy in wood, oil, and coal. These fuels have been【49】People burn them to produce heat and to create power for machines. Oil and coal are used to produce electrical energy, too. And electricity produces light heat, and sound energy. In addition, electric power operates (操作) many kinds of equipment, tools, and machines, which make work easier.

If you made a list of all the jobs performed by the different kinds of energy, you would fill many pages . The need for power increases every day, and some sources of energy【50】So scientists and technicians are trying to find new ways to produce power.

A. formed over many centuries from plants.

B. returns it to the earth in the form. of rain or snow.

C. are being used up very quickly.

D. there would be no life.

E. produce mechanical energy and electricity.

F. are being produced everyday.



You are to write in no less than 120 words about the topic "Do we need a shopping center in the neighborhood?" Your composition should be based on the Chinese outline given below.




Americans have come to expect a lot of their presidents, more perhaps than any can deliver. We say that the president runs the country, but in practice, presidents have trouble running large parts of the government. We hold the president responsible for the economy, even though he has few economic levers at his command. We expect the commander in chief to lead us to victory in war, and then we complain when we think he is micromanaging the military. And we tend to think of the president as the personification of the nation he leads. Few other democracies combine the position of head of government and head of state. We do, and some of the bitterness of our politics spring from the conviction of many Americans that this of that president does not really represent their country. Yet as we look back at our presidents, we see them less as partisan politicians than as national leaders, who in different ways have helped develop the strengths and virtues of our nation.

?Read the article below about the Import-Export Balance.

?For each question (31-40), write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet,

The advantages of international trade are obvious. Trading with other nations can also pose problems if a country's imports and exports do not balance out, though. (31) deciding whether a balance does or does not exist, economists use two measures: balance of trade and balance of payments.

The total economic value of all products imported (32) a country compared to the total economic value of ail other products exported out of the country is that nation's balance of trade. Relatively small imbalances in the value of imports and exports for a country are quite common and (33) very important.

However, sometimes a country's trade imbalance can be very large. For example, Japan exports goods and services equal (34) about 15 percent of everything it manufactures. However, it only needs to import goods and services equal to around 5 percent (35) what it manufactures at home. The difference amounts (36) a trade surplus (a positive balance of trade) of several billion dollars each year.

Japan is generally content (37) its trade imbalance, because it results (38) more money flowing into the country than flowing out. However, some of its trading partners are not. For the last several years, the United States has been importing more than it exports, resulting in a trade deficit (a negative balance of trade). (39) a result, more money is leaving the United States (40) entering it.


听力原文:It was supposed to be a short briefing, but it lasted 3 hours. We were all exhausted when we stepped out of the conference room, all except chair person.



Directions: Translate the following text into English.



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