51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Love Online. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:




Love Online


Want productivity and success in the business world? Or

are you seeking to build your own financial freedom?

Recent studies prove that your emotional intelligence and

related confidence and self-esteem are more important brain

power than the IQ of your mind.

The concept of EQ (emotional intelligence) is having quite

an impact to the business and corporate world today. 【S1】__

Researchers report that those have strong emotional intelligence 【S2】__

(EQ) have more productivity, creativity, self-esteem and

self-confidence.., and making more effective business leaders. 【S3】__

Such leaders have more success rising "to the top" and "achieving

financial freedom" more than those with only a high IQ.

What is EQ? Emotional intelligence (EQ) includes competency

in such traits as: optimism, effective productivity, self-es-teem,

motivating, empathy (移情作用) and personal interaction 【S4】__


Your EQ effects almost everything you do. Even while 【S5】__

working in a solitary setting---the quality of your work is determined

by your self-esteem and self-confidence (one aspect of EQ ).

But here's the good news: While the IQ of your mind is

relatively fixing, your emotional intelligence (EQ) can be built. 【S6】__

Many companies are bringing on psychologists and coaches to 【S7】__

improve their top executives' EQ.

A well developed EQ allows a leader to restrain more 【S8】.__

productive feelings (anger and self-doubt) and focus on goals with

more positive feelings (self-confidence, and open communication).

The result is higher team productivity! And in the case of

the independent entrepreneur, a higher probability of achieving

tree financial freedom.

Worldwide studies find those with high EQ tend to have

more success rising to the top of corporations. The higher people 【S9】__

moving up in a company, the more critical EQ becomes.

Women and men have equal EQ, but tend to be strong in 【S10】__

same areas. Women score high in empathy and social responsibility,

while men score high in stress tolerance and self-confidence.


● Look at the office plan below.

● For questions 6-10, which department does this job?

● For each question mark one letter (A-H) on the Answer Sheet.

● Do not use any letter more than once.

Who makes sure the company's products are made properly?

听力原文:Man: Good morning and welcome to our course on "Business Management Today". I hope you've all registered and obtained your name badges and information packs. I would like to point out some additional information and changes to the agenda you will find in your packs. The four seminar workshops are now as follow.

Room Six—" Marketing".

Bishop's Hall One— "Communications", which re- places "Taxation".

Bishop's Hall Two—"Strategic Planning", which now includes small business as well as large companies.

Room Five—"Human Resources".

I'll just run through that again. "Marketing" is in Room Six. In Bishop's Hall One we have a change to the original programme and "Taxation" has been replaced by "communications". "Strategic Planning" in Bishop's Hall Two now includes small businesses and Room Five is "Human Resources" We will stay in the Convocation Hall for the first morning session which runs from nine-thirty till eleven o'clock, when we shall all meet up in the Memorial ball for coffee and biscuits.

The eleven-thirty session will be held in Bishop' s Hall One.

A buffet lunch will be held in the self-service restaurant from one to two. We are hoping that this system will prove quicker than waitress service and ensure a prompt start to the afternoon session which begins in Bishop's Hall Two at two o'clock and runs to three-thirty. Please note, however, that we shall be in Room Five for the four to five- thirty session.

Tea and biscuits will be brought to you between three-thirty and for o'clock.

At five-thirty we invite you all to the Assembly Hall for an hour's general forum. There will be time for questions based on the day's sessions. This session in the Assembly hall is intended to give you an opportunity to clarify and problem areas which may have arisen during the day and to ask any questions you may have. There will be a general exhibition of books and resource materials in the Abbey Room which will be open for the whole day. Anyone in- terested in purchasing any of these materials will be able to order them at the various stands.

Please feel free to visit the Abbey Room at any time during the day up until the Centre closes at seven- thirty p.m.

May I draw your attention to the fact that notes ac- companying the seminars will be provided by the speakers. It is therefore not necessary...

?You will hear an introduction to a course in Business Management Today.

?As you listen, fill in the information for question 1—12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.


Seminar/Workshop programme


2 __ Bishop's Hall One




30-11.00 4 ______Hall

Coffee and biscuits 5 __

11.30-1.00 6 __

Lunch 7 __

2.00-3.30 8 __

Tea and biscuits

4.00-5.30 9 __

5.30- 6.30 1

听力原文:Mr Anderson, on behalf of our company, I would like to express to you again our appreciation for having chosen us as one of your suppliers. It is our hope that these first contracts will be the beginning of a long and harmonious business relationship between our two companies.

&8226;You will hear another five recordings.

&8226;For each recording, decide what these people are doing.

&8226;Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;You will hear the five recordings twice.

A making a complaint

B placing an order

C giving introduction

D expressing wishes

E making an offer

F refusing claim

G discussing annual report

H chairing a meeting

Redeveloping brownficlds offers a big potential market for______.

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