51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

Why is the South Pole cold than the North Pole? 【M1】__

Both polar regions of the earth are cold, primarily

because they receive far less solar radiation than the

tropics and mid-latitudes do. In either pole the sun 【M2】__

never rises more than 23.5 degrees above the horizon

and both locations experience six months of continuous

dark. Moreover, most of the sunlight that does shine 【M3】__

on the polar regions reflected by the bright white surface. 【M4】 __

What make the South Pole so much colder than the North Pole 【M5】 __

is that it sits on top of a very thick ice sheet, which itself sits

on a continent. Surface of the ice sheet at the South Pole 【M6】__

is more than 9000 feet in elevation--more than a mile

and a half over sea level. Antarctica is the highest continent 【M7】__

on the earth. In comparison, the North Pole rests in the middle

of the Arctic Ocean, which the surface of floating ice rides 【M8】__

only a foot or so above the surrounding sea. The Arctic Ocean

also acts an effective heat reservoir, warming the cold atmosphere 【M9】__

in the winter and is drawing heat from the atmosphere in the summer. 【M10】__



The purpose of the passage is to _____.

B) introduce some useful techniques of language learning

C) teach people how to learn English

D) compare language teaching with language learning

Bob Robin

Questions 39-40

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer

What 3 kinds of contacts should you have made during your time abroad?

Olga is concerned that they may have collected ______.

This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an advertisement according to the following instructions given in Chinese.

说明:为你的上司David Jones总经理写一封致歉信给Smith Hubert先生,日期为2008年3月18日。内容如下:


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