51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

If he had listened to me, he ______. (现在就不会遇到麻烦了)


How can you find out whether two persons are in agreement or not?

Many Americans mindlessly oppose hunting. They do so even in

cases where animal populations are dangerous high. In 【S1】__

some areas of Alaska, wolves have become so rare that they 【S2】__

are running out of hunting ground and prey heavily on

moose, deer, and occasionally dogs. In past, game 【S3】__

managers curbed wolf populations for trapping and aerial 【S4】__

hunting without wiping away the species. Still, whenever, 【S5】__

they propose do this nowadays, they receive tens 【S6】__

of thousands letters of protest. Growing deer populations in 【S7】__

parts of California threat to starve themselves out. Seaotter 【S8】__

colonies, booming in the Pacific coast, are fast running 【S9】__

out of food, too, as good as putting commercial 【S10】__

fisher-men out of business.


If you know what you want to study, research reputations of academic departments by ______.



&8226;You have to write a story for your English teacher.

&8226;Your story must begin with this sentence:

I was standing beside someone famous!

&8226;Write your story in about 100 words on your answer sheet.

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