51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

Why can you use technical terminology in the abstract? Because your readers are usually______your scientific discipline.


You learn from him/her.

What kind of company is this corporation?

A ______________.

A.one communication method without integration

B.development of new telecommunications equipment

C.the brain of the next generation network

D.his particular assigned number

E.different devices and media

F.transformation of old circuit based networks

It is not so convenient to use only__

Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.

Question 2

?Your company or organisation is considering the best way to improve efficiency. You have been asked to write a report giving recommendations on this.

?Write the report, outlining some of the problems the company has concerning efficiency and suggesting solutions. Refer to at least two of the following areas:

?staffing levels




Question 3

?The company you work for faces increasing competition and the managing director has asked you to suggest ways of meeting this challenge.

?Write a proposal for the managing director, including the following information:

?reasons for the increased competition

?ways to increase sales

?any extra resources that might be needed

?any disadvantages there might be.

Question 4

?An international fund is offering grants to small businesses to improve their facilities. Your manager has decided to apply and has asked you to write on behalf of the company.

?Write a letter, including the following information:

?a brief background to your company

?which facilities a grant would enable you to improve

?what the future benefits to your company would be.








A Letter to Students of Dalian Business and Technology College

date: __

Dear fellow students,

Our college is going to build a "harmonious campus" (和谐校园). I think it is every students' duty to work hard to achieve this goal.

As students of our college, what should we do?

As for myself, ____

Dear fellow students, let's start right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day, every hour, and every minute!

Huang Huike

From Dalian Business and Technology College

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