51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

Make a list each day of all that you are grateful for, ______. (这样你就能每天都注意到从别人那里得到了什么).


Under Hazardous Waste Act in Australia, if you export hazardous waste without a permit, you will be fined up to __ or shut up in prison for ______.

With the rapid adoption of information and communication technology comes the problem of ______, which is global.


The changes in language will continue forever, but no one knows sure 【M1】__

who does the changing. One possibility is that children are responsible. A

professor of linguistic at the University of Hawaii, explores this in one of his 【M2】__

recent books. Sometimes around 1880, a language catastrophe occurred in 【M3】__

Hawaii when thousands of emigrant workers were brought to the islands to 【M4】__

work for the new sugar industry. These people speaking different languages

were unable to communicate with each other or with the native Hawaiians or

the dominant English-speaking owners of the plantations. So they first spoke

in Pidgin English-- the sort of thing such mixed language populations have 【M5】__

always done. A pidgin is not really a language at all. It is more like a set of

verbal signals used to name objects and without the grammatical rules needed

for expressing thoughts and ideas. And then, within a single generation, the 【M6】__

whole mass of mixed people began speaking a totally new tongue: Hawaiian 【M7】__

Creole. The new speech was contained ready-made words borrowed from all 【M8】__

the original tongues, but beared little or no resemblance to the predecessors in 【M9】__

the rules used for stringing the words together. Although generally regarded as 【M10】__

primitive language, Hawaiian Creole had a highly sophisticated grammar.


No sooner had the words been spoken ________(就意识到我本该保持沉默的).

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