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The Fertility Bust

A Fatting populations—the despair of state pension systems—are often regarded with calmness, even a secret satisfaction, by ordinary people. Europeans no Longer need Large families to gather the harvest or to took after parents. They have used their good fortune to have fewer children, thinking this wilt make their tires better. Much of Europe is too crowded as it is. !s this at that is going on? Germans have been agonising about recent European Union estimates suggesting that 30% of German women are, and will remain, childless. The number is a guess: Germany does not collect figures Like this. Even if the share is 25%, as other surveys suggest, it is by far the highest in Europe.

B Germany is something of an oddity in this. In most countries with tow fertility, young women have their first child late, and stop at one. In Germany, women with children often have two or three, but many have none at all. Germany is also odd in experiencing low fertility for such a tong time. Europe is demographically potarised. Countries in the north and west saw fertility fart early, in the 196Os. Recently, they have seen it stabilise or rise back towards replacement [ever (i.e. 2.1 births per woman). Countries in the south and east, on the other hand, saw fertility rates fart much faster, more recently (often to below 1.3, a rate at which the population falls by half every 45 years). Germany combines both. Its fertility rate felt below 2 in 1971. However, it has stayed tow and is stilt only just above 1.3. This challenges the notion that European fertility is likely to stabilise at tolerable Levels. It raises questions about whether the Low birth rates of Italy and Poland, say, realty are, as some have argued, merely temporary.

C The List of explanations for why German fertility has not rebounded is tong. Michael Teitelbaum, a demographer at the Stoan Foundation in New York ticks them off: poor child care; unusually extended higher education; inflexible labour taws; high youth unemployment; and non-economic or cultural factors. One German writer, Gunter Grass, wrote a novel, "Headbirths", in 1982, about Harm and Dōrte Peters, "a model couple" who disport themselves on the beaches of Asia rather than invest time and trouble in bringing up a baby. "They keep a cat", writes Mr Grass, "and stilt have no child." The novel is subtitled "The Germans are dying out". With the exception of this cultural factor, none of these features is peculiar to Germany. If social and economic explanations account for persistent low fertility there, then they may well produce the same persistence elsewhere.

D The reason for hoping otherwise is that the initiat dectine in southern and eastern Europe was drastic, and may be reversibte. In the Mediterranean, demographic decline was associated with freeing young women from the constraints of traditional Catholicism, which encouraged large families. In eastern Europe, it was associated with the collapse in living standards and the ending of pro-birth policies after the fait of communism. In both regions, as such temporary factors fade, fertility rates might, in principle, be expected to rise. Indeed, they may already be stabilising in Italy and Spain. Germany tells you that reversing these trends can be hard. There, and elsewhere, fertility rates did not merely fall; they went below what people said they wanted. In 1979, Eurobarometer asked Europeans how many children they would tike. Almost everywhere, the answer was two: the traditional two-child idea[ persisted even when people were not delivering it. This may have reflected old habits of mind. Or people may reat[y be having fewer children than they claim to want.

E A recent paper suggests how this might come about. If women postpone their first child past their mid-30s, it may be too [ate to have a second even if they want one (the average age of first births in most of Europe is now 30). If everyone does the s




听力原文:Young males generally use alcohol or drugs for excitement. Or they think it will make them more popular. Young females, however, use cigarettes, drugs or alcohol to feel happier, reduce tension or lose weight.


听力原文: Naturally, a large number of senior citizens in America are looking forward to enjoying their retirement, but the recent trend in retirement has made it harder and harder. Some people have to delay their retirement by a few years and keep working to earn extra income, and those who have already quit their job have a very tough time finding another one. According to the nation's largest credit-counseling agency, the baby boomer generation is the first generation that is going into retirement carrying substantial credit-card debt. The average credit-card balance among Americans over the age of 65 climbed 149 percent between 1989 and 2001. Those between the ages of 55 and 64 carried a similar amount of debt.


Demography is the statistical study of human population

It can be a-general science that can be applied to any kind

of dynamic population, that is, one that changed over 【M1】__

the time or space. It encompasses the study of the size, 【M2】__

structure and distribution of populations, and spatial or

temporal changes in them in response to birth, death,

migration and aging.

Human demography is the most well known discipline

of demography, and typically what people refer when 【M3】__

using the term demography. Demographic analysis

can be applied to whole societies or to groups defined by

criterion such as education, nationality, religion and ethnicity. 【M4】__

In academia, demography is often regarded as a branch

of either economy or sociology. Formal demography 【M5】__

limits its object of study to the measurement of populations

processes, when the more broad field of social demography 【M6】__

studies also analyze the relationships between

economic, social, cultural and biological processes influencing on 【M7】__

a population.

Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) is regarded as the "father of demography"

for his economic analysis of social organization which

produced the first scientific and theoretical work on

population, development, and group dynamics. At the end of the

18th century, Thomas Malthus concluded that, if unchecked,

populations would be subject to exponential growth. He feared

that population growth would intend to outstrip growth in food 【M8】__

production, leading to ever increased famine and poverty; he 【M9】__

is seen as the intellectual father of ideas of overpopulation and

the limits for growth. Later more sophisticated and realistic 【M10】__

models were presented by Benjamin Gompertz and Verhulst.


Bon Appetit limits its growth ______.

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