51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

Part A

Suppose you are a student of Beijing University. You went to Guangzhou last month and un- fortunately lost your bag there with your student card, identification card and 3, 000 yuan in it. When you got back to Beijing, you received a parcel in which the two cards and the handbag are contained, and a bill of 3, 000 yuan. From the address of the writer, you know he is Liu Ming, a sophomore of the Mechanics Department of X University. Now you want to write a letter of commendation to Liu Ming.

You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use "Wang Fang" instead. You do not need to write the address.




Demography is the statistical study of human population

It can be a-general science that can be applied to any kind

of dynamic population, that is, one that changed over 【M1】__

the time or space. It encompasses the study of the size, 【M2】__

structure and distribution of populations, and spatial or

temporal changes in them in response to birth, death,

migration and aging.

Human demography is the most well known discipline

of demography, and typically what people refer when 【M3】__

using the term demography. Demographic analysis

can be applied to whole societies or to groups defined by

criterion such as education, nationality, religion and ethnicity. 【M4】__

In academia, demography is often regarded as a branch

of either economy or sociology. Formal demography 【M5】__

limits its object of study to the measurement of populations

processes, when the more broad field of social demography 【M6】__

studies also analyze the relationships between

economic, social, cultural and biological processes influencing on 【M7】__

a population.

Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) is regarded as the "father of demography"

for his economic analysis of social organization which

produced the first scientific and theoretical work on

population, development, and group dynamics. At the end of the

18th century, Thomas Malthus concluded that, if unchecked,

populations would be subject to exponential growth. He feared

that population growth would intend to outstrip growth in food 【M8】__

production, leading to ever increased famine and poverty; he 【M9】__

is seen as the intellectual father of ideas of overpopulation and

the limits for growth. Later more sophisticated and realistic 【M10】__

models were presented by Benjamin Gompertz and Verhulst.


How does the speaker spend his holiday in winter?

He usually takes one week to______.

?The staff in your office decided to spend holidays together this year. While reading the news you are attracted by the advertisement of the Grand Palazzo Hotel in Italy. No one in your office has ever been to Italy. So you want your secretary to contact the hotel through telephone.

?Write a short message to Ms. Emily Malan, your secretary.

?Suggest the visit to Italy

?Give the hotel telephone number to her

?Ask her to contact that hotel

?Write 30--40 words on your Answer Sheet.

听力原文:Young males generally use alcohol or drugs for excitement. Or they think it will make them more popular. Young females, however, use cigarettes, drugs or alcohol to feel happier, reduce tension or lose weight.


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