51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

?Look at these sentences and the four paragraphs.

?Which clip (A, B, C or D) does each sentence refer to?

?For each sentence 1-7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

?You will need to use some of the letters more than once.


The Million Dollar Mentality

Jemima Tate

Writer and business expert Jemima Tate reveals how millionaires think and what drives them to be best. Her philosophy is simple: millionaires are no different from anyone else and given the desire and determination to improve the quality of their lives, virtually anyone can realise their dreams. Tate provides the vital ingredients that can lead uo financial independence and reveals the secrets of becoming seriously rich. This book will inspire anyone who wants to work towards millionaire starus.


Using the Power of Influence

Meg Carbery

Meg Carbery shows readers how to survive and prosper in the rapidly changing business and social environment by providing a comprehensive guide to techniques of persuasion at work which are both ethical and effective. This book is a comprehensive repertoire of professional influencing skills which will serve the needs of managers, leaders, professionals and sales people and those concerned with influencing the behavior. of employees--who may be better qualified than themselves!


Norbert Starr's Positive Action Plan

Norbert Starr

Norbert Starr's Positive Action Plan is an invaluable source of inspiration, motivation and ideas. For each day of the year, a quotation from Starr--many drawn from previously unpublished material--is followed by further instruction and a detailed plan of action for putting the concepts into practice. Each month has a theme, so that progress is organised and consistent; April, for instance, is 'Goal Set-ting' and May follows logically with 'Action!' Starr's advice comes from many years in business, which is what makes it the most valuable available.


1001 Ways to Promote Your Business


What was essential to a science of refrigeration according to the passage?

Try to make as______(尽可能少的错误) in your homework and check it carefully after finished.

People should never give up (struggle)______for freedom.

I am very pleased to welcome so many of you to this Global Compact Summit. This is the largest and highest-level gathering of leaders from business, labor and civil society ever held at. the United Nations. Indeed, far more of you were determined to attend than we anticipated in our wildest estimations. Our apologies go to those we could accommodate only in an overflow room, and to others whom, I regret, the limitations of space made it impossible for us to accommodate at all. //

Dear friends, we are travelers on a common, historic journey. We meet as stakeholders of the Global Compact, which has become by far the world's largest initiative promoting global corporate citizenship. Of all such efforts, the Global Compact alone is based on universal principles that have been accepted by all the world's leaders. And more than any other, it engages the developing countries, which are home to haft its participating fro, as, two thirds of its national networks—and four fifths of humanity. //

We come together in a spirit of cooperation and dialogue. We want to share experiences in implementing the Compact, building on lessons learned, and generate new ideas for its future directions. What is our ultimate destination? A world held together by strong bonds of community, where today there are only tenuous market transactions. A world in which the gaps between the rich and poor countries grow narrower, not wider, and where globalization provides opportunities for all people, not only the few. A world in which economic activities coexist in harmony with, and reinforce, human rights, decent working conditions, environmental sustainability and good governance. //

There is much good news to report about the journey so far. Four years ago, fewer than fifty companies met here at the United Nations to launch the Global Compact. Today, nearly 1,500 firms participate, from 70 countries. So, too, do the major international labor federations, representing more than 150 million workers worldwide. Fifty leaders of transnational non-governmental organizations, North and South, are also with us today, as are senior officials from some 20 countries. The number of core United Nations agencies involved in the Compact has also grown from three to five, and their executive heads are here as well. //


Directions: Translate the following text into English.



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