51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write on the topic "The Significance of Challenge". You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:


The Significance of Challenge


Love in China is expressed through ______.

?Your company needs to promote publicity in ways other than advertisements. Your manager feels that the company can gain reputation if more of its employees publish articles in newspapers. You have been asked to write a proposal regarding the need to encourage the employees to write articles for newspapers.

?Write your proposal, including the following.

?a brief description of the employees' engagement in writing articles for newspapers

?an explanation of why published articles can contribute to the company's publicity in terms of its technical expertise

?recommendations for incentive measures that urge the employees to consider writing articles for journals.

Question 3

?Your company has planned to screen out socially inappropriate massages from all of its advertisements. You have been instructed to write a report about biased ads which might foster negative stereotypes of some group.

?Write the report for your manager, including the following information:

?what stereotypes of people have appeared in the ads

?why it is compelling to stop running or changing the ads in their current forms

?whet general lesson can be learnt from this incident.

Question 4

?Your company, which runs a transportation business, has received a letter requesting adjustment on damaged shipment from a client. You are responsible for writing letters to inform. clients of how reimbursement is made to clients under such circumstances.

?Writing the letter to this client:

?expressing your awareness of this affair and your apology for the damage

?informing him of the granted adjustment

?reminding him of what needs to be done before the reimbursement is made.

It has been revealed that ____ (有些政府官员滥用职权)to get illegal profits for .themselves.

The parents in the experimental group were also instructed in how to help children find answers, how to suggest alternative possibilities and how to praise correct answers. (Passage 2)

Two hundred (steal)______cars were returned to their owners.

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