51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

How to approach Writing Test Part One

&8226;Part One counts for one third of the total marks in the Writing Test.

&8226;You should spend no more than 15 minutes on Part One.

&8226;You will be asked to write a note, memo, email or message to one or more people in your company

&8226;The first bullet point of the instructions outlines the situation.

&8226;The second bullet point tells you what you should write, who you are writing it for, and the points that must be included.

&8226;It is best to follow the order of the points that are required, as you will lose marks if you leave out any of them.


&8226;Read the instructions carefully so that you know what to do, and underline the key words.


&8226;Express yourself briefly and clearly

&8226;For a memo or email you don't need to include to, from, date or subject.

&8226;Try to use a range of appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures.

&8226;Make the language suitable for the reader(s).


&8226;After writing, read what you have written, correct mistakes and make improvements. If you want to add anything, use a sign, e.g. *. Put a line through anything you want to omit. Don't rewrite the whole of your answer

&8226;Make sure the examiner will be able to read your answer. Use a pen and your normal handwriting (do not write in capital letters).

&8226;Check that you have written your answer in 40 50 words.

&8226;You are the manager of the marketing department in your company. A new assistant manager has recently been appointed and will start work soon.

&8226;Write an email to all staff in the department:

&8226;explaining the need for the appointment

&8226;saying when the assistant manager will start work

&8226;describing the experience the assistant manager has.

&8226;Write 40 - 50 words.



For each of these numbers mark the correct letter on your answer sheet.


A Hillman College is a London college with up-to-date facilities. We offer both primary and secondary full-time teacher training courses. This year there will be special two year courses available on maths and computers in the primary classroom. All students are expected to spend two terms working in local schools.

B Kirby College has over fifty years' experience of teacher training. We offer both full-time and part-time courses for all levels of teaching. Large college in lovely countryside, with excellent sports facilities, especially for football and athletics. There is a new course this year called 'Computers in the Classroom'.

C Kemp College offers a wide range of both full-time and part-time diploma courses in arts and science subjects, lasting from one to three years. The college is about two hours away from London by train. It has a new library and good student accommodation. Grants are available for students wanting to return to studying.

D MacKintosh College offers a range of courses from modern languages to computer studies, in a quiet and pleasant part of London. All students are offered accommodation in college fiats and we have excellent sports facilities. Full-time and part time courses of either three or four years are available.

E Pemberley College in central London offers full-time courses in science and computer studies. Our four-year courses allow you to spend a term every year getting work experience in different firms. There are good social and sports facilities. No college accommodation is available at present.

F Treeholme College. If you want to be a teacher, join one of our courses. Places are available on our full-time courses in science and maths this October. Ours is a small teacher training department in a large London college, so we can offer good facilities such as a new computer centre.

G Dene College was built in 1990 in an attractive part of north London. Spaces are still available on our popular part-time course in primary teaching for teachers who want to retrain. Beginning in October we will also have new four-year courses in law, economics, mathematics and sports science.

H Westgate College in south London has a range of courses, from maths and physics to computer studies and sports science. We offer both lower and advanced diplomas. All our courses are from one to three years in length and are particularly suitable for people with some work experience.

Anna is 18 and she wants to do computer studies so that she can work in an office. She would like to study in London but is worried about finding accommodation.

Personal relationships are very important. They are the key of 【S1】__

doing business in Arab countries. Try to identify the decision-maker

regarding as your product or service immediately and get to know him 【S2】__

on a friendly basis. Do your homework. Be prepared to discuss details

of your product or proposal. Be ready to answer technical question. 【S3】__

Familiarize yourself to the Moslem and national holidays. Avoid a 【S4】__

visit during Ramadan, the Moslem month of fasting. Most Arab countries

have a six-day workweek from Saturday through Thursday. When matching

with the Monday to Friday practice in most Western 【S5】__

countries, it leaves only three and a half workdays shared. Remember

this in planning your appointments. Moslems do not eat pork. Some are

strict about the religion's prohibition for alcoholic beverages. If 【S6】__

you are not sure, wait your host to suggest the proper thing to drink. 【S7】__

When an Arab says yes, he may mean "maybe". When he says maybe, he

probably mean "no". You will seldom get a direct "yes" 【S8】__

from an Arab because it is considered impolite. Also, he does not want

to close his options. Instead of "no", he will say "inshallah", which

means "if God is willing". On the other hand, "yes" does not necessary 【S9】__

mean "yes". A smile and a slow nod might seem like an agreement, but in

fact, your host is being polite. An Arab considers it impolite to agree 【S10】__

with a guest.


ZYBAN Tablets (药片)

l. ZYBAN is a prescription (处方) medicine to help people quit smoking. Studies have shown that more than one third of people quit smoking for at least one month while taking ZYBAN. For many patients, ZYBAN reduces withdrawal symptoms (脱瘾过程中产生的症状) and the strong wish to smoke.

ZYBAN should be taken as directed by your doctor. The usual recommended dosing (剂量) is to take one 150-mg tablet in the morning for the first 3 days. On the fourth day, begin taking one 150-mg tablet in the morning and one 150-mg tablet in the early evening. Doses should be taken at least 8 hours apart.For most patients, treatment will last 7 to 12 weeks. Because results vary, it may take longer for some people, Possibly up to 6 months depending on the individual. If you've been smoking for a long time, ZYBAN will help to reduce withdrawal symptoms. It's important to remain on ZYBAN for at least 7 to 12 weeks in order to quit for good. Your doctor should determine when to stop taking ZYBANIt takes about 1 week for ZYBAN to reach the right levels in your body to be effective So, to increase your chance of quitting as much as possible, you should not stop smoking until you have been taking ZYBAN for 1 week. You should set a date to stop smoking during the second week you're taking ZYBAN.The side effects (副作用) associated with ZYBAN are generally mild and often disappear after a few weeks. The most common side effects are dry mouth and difficulty in sleeping. If you have difficulty sleeping, avoid taking your medicine too close to bedtime.

A. What is ZYBAN?

B. What are the side effects of taking ZYBAN? .

C. Who invented ZYBAN?

D. How long should I take ZYBAN?

E. How long does it take for ZYBAN to work?

F. How should I take ZYBAN?

Paragraph 2 __

Mrs. Cooker is the head of Public Relations.

The debate over__ policies prompted a number of applicants to try schools like Yale or Stanford.

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