51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

They always give the vacant seats to ____ (谁先来的那个人).


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Optional Courses. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:




Optional Courses

When will they be at Portobello Road ?

Some people are content to limit their investment programs to such safe investments as savings accounts and savings bonds.They take comfort of knowing that while the return from such【M1】__

investmentsmay be small, it is steady and sure. Another people seek investments 【M2】__

that involve higher risks. They understand that the amount of money a investment 【M3】__

returns is frequently related to the amount of risk it involves. Because they want to obtain the greatest possible return on each dollar investing, they are willing to take certain 【M4】__

chances. Still another group of people want both comfort of safe investments and 【M5】__

greater dollar return of high-risk investments. Accordingly, they prefer to a program 【M6】__

that has a balance of both safe and high-risk investments.

For the last two groups, most popular types of high-risk investments are those 【M7】__

that involve securities. Securities, that is a general term for stocks and bonds, are 【M8】__

sold by governments and corporations in order to raise large amounts of money.

There are three ways in which businesses that needs a great deal of money for a long 【M9】__

period of time can obtain that money. They can go to a bank and apply for a long-term loan. They can use the profits of the business. Or they can sell stocks and bonds. But banks are often reluctant to lend large amounts for periods longer than one and two years. 【M10】__

And profits are ordinarily not large enough to finance anything very expensive.


When he arrived at the hospital, he asked worriedly who was (operate) __ on.

听力原文:Americans believe no one stands still; if you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring.


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