51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

People drink in a party in order to ______.


The old woman never langhed, ______ (也从来没有发过稗气).

Conflict is regarded as a marker of __ by collectivists while accepted as unavoidable by individualists.

听力原文:A: Yes, Mr. Wilson. Chris speaking.

B: Hello, Chris. Could you buy some china for our meeting room?

A: How much money do you want to spend?

B: Er, £80 for 10 coffee sets. What do you think?

A: I'll manage. I suggest we buy two more sets for our office.

B: Let's see... OK! I agree. 12 coffee sets with 96 pounds.

A: When do you want them?

B: Before the 10th of April. By the way, I want to look at the sample beforehand.

A: OK! I will select some samples for you.

B: Thank you. Bye.

A: Bye-bye, Mr. Wilson.

?Look at the note below.

?You will hear a man asking another to buy china.

Telephone Message

Date: lst April

Time: 9:45

Item: buying (9)__ sets

Purpose: 10 for meeting room, (10)__ for the office

Total money: (11) __ pounds

Deadline for purchasing: before (12)__ April

In competitions only women perform. on the

what were the moral principles that parents in the early 19th century wanted their children to live by?

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