51搜题 >学历教育 >学历类 >试题详情

people were worried because Malaysia Airlines Flight M370 , with more than passengers and crew, was missing on March 8 , 2014. A:3 million; 2 hundreds of
B:Millions of ; 2 hundreds
C:3 millions of ; hundred of
D:Millions of ; 2 hundred;

When do you think is the best time to visitJiangxinzhou —You ______ go there in August. Manykinds of fruits are on sale then. A: had better
B:would rather
C:have to
D: wouldlike
It is said that people born in the Year of Sheep are gentle.— Maybe, but for my mother,_______.In fact, she gets angry easily. A:that’s for sure
B:that’s all right
C:that’s a good idea
D:that’s not the case;
We have to cancel the picnic because the weather is getting worse and worse.—________. I’m looking forward to it all the time. A:Never mind
B:Good idea
C:My pleasure
D:what a pity;
We shall not lose heart in the face of difficulties. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence A:/ h:t /; B . /ha:t /
B:take the place of books
C:/hit /
Mr. Wang __________ be in the office. The light is still on.—No, he __________ be. Because he phoned me from the farm justnow. A:may; mustn’t
B: mustn’t; mustn’t
D: must; can’t
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