51搜题 >学历教育 >学历类 >试题详情

We have to cancel the picnic because the weather is getting worse and worse.—________. I’m looking forward to it all the time. A:Never mind
B:Good idea
C:My pleasure
D:what a pity;

What about _____ English-Chinese dictionary on thebookshelf—In my opinion, it’s _____ useful tool book for myEnglish learning. A:a; an
B:an; a
C:the; a
D:the; an
We will go to the Wushan Square this afternoon, why not take a bus —We ________ take a bus , it’s only one kilometer or more. A:can’t
D:may not;
As you go through this book,you that each of the millions of people who lived through World War II had a different experience. A:will find
C:had found
D:have found;
.–Have you ________ to Shanghai–Yes, I___________ there to see my sister last year. She has ____________ Pudong for 2 years. A:gone, go, been to
B:been, went, been to
C:gone, been, been in
D:been, went, been in;
In our school library there _________ a number of books on science and the number of them _________ growing larger and larger. A:is; are
B:are; is
C:has; is
D:have; are;
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