51搜题 >学历教育 >学历类 >试题详情

I’m sorry we ________ all the educational CD-ROMs.Can you come next week– Please call me as soon as the latest one _________. A:have soldwell, comes out
B:have soldout, comes out
C:have soldwell, is come out
D:have soldout, is come out

-I hear that you went to see the film called “Life ofPea”, isn’t that boring-__________.It’s one of the most successful films. A:Yes, it’s interesting
B:Yes, it’s boring
C:Not at all
D:Of course
Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the WC– Go along the hallway and then you will see a sign which will ____ you to it. A:easy, easy
B:easily, easily
C:easily, easy
D:easy, easily;
Zhao Peng likes to eat chocolates but he ________eats them before going to bed, because he thinks it’s not good for his teeth. A:certainly
D:All above are right;
The up-to-date information together with opportunities for hands-on learning makes theworld _______ in a completely new way . A:cut off
B:come to life
C:crowd in
D:lose face
It is reported that the government has ____ the outbreak of violence by sending a large group of soldiers to police the area. A:gone for
B:reacted to
C:appealed to
D:made for
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